

Boltigen is located in the valley of the river Simme (Simmental), Bernese Oberland, which is part of the Canton of Berne, Switzerland. There is no English home page for this village so far but there are some links related to this village.

Facts and figures:

Demo-/geographic information:

Inhabitants: 1420 in 1997
Altitude: 817 m asl
Coordinates: 596.5 X / 164.2 Y (Bordeau, France)
  7°23.63' E / 46° 37.82' N (Greenwich)
Georaphic area: District Obersimmental, Simmental, Bernese Oberland, Canton of Berne
Size: 7'618 ha (hectares, Swiss surface measurement)

Municipality (address):

Gemeindeverwaltung (Reidenbach), 3766 Boltigen  +41 (0)33 773 60 25

Main industries:

1st sector: 35 % of working power (1988)
2nd sector: 27 %
3rd sector: 38 %

Local tourism / sights / visits:

Hotel des Alpes Jaunpass 3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 42
Bären Dorf 3766 Boltigen 033 773 73 70, Fax. 033 773 73 74
Bergmann   3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 15
Garstatt Garstatt 3766 Boltigen 033 722 11 42
Rawyl Weissenbach 3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 43
Minotel Simmental   3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 51
Swiss Adventures Hotel Dorf 3766 Boltigen 033 773 73 73, Fax.033 773 73 73, e-mail:
Hotel des Alpes Jaunpass 3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 42
Bären Dorf 3766 Boltigen 033 773 73 70, Fax 033 773 73 74
Berhaus Taverne Jaunpass 3766 Boltigen 033 773 63 54, Fax 033 773 63 31
Eschihalten Jaunpassstrasse 3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 30
Neuenberg Garstatt 3766 Boltigen 033 722 14 58
Rawyl Weissenbach 3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 43
Sternen Reidenbach 3766 Boltigen 033 773 60 13

Regional tourism

Regional history:


Editor: Willi Andrist at,, 7 Feb 1998 / updated: 8 Feb 1998, Nov. 10th 2006; many thanks to Henriette Ludwig for proof reading