He is born January 18, 1971 in Muri, Canton of Aargau. His favorite hobby is soccer but he also likes traveling. He liked very much his trip to south east Asia.
She is born October 10th, 1974 in Langenthal, Canton of Berne. After working for Swisscom in retail sales department for a while she startet working for Crossair in spring 1998 as a flight attendant. In here spare time at home she is doing alot of aerobic and other fitness programs. Her cats Jill and Richi are also taking a lot of her attention. Some other favorites she also shares with Daniel are traveling, sun and fun on the beach.
You won't guess, the picture has been taken at a Beach party in Wettingen, Canton of Aargau July 26, 1998.
E-mail at Simon's office: ksm@crossair.ch
Edited 26.7.98, by willi@andrist.com at http://www.andrist.net/homes/andristw.htm