

My business life:

After a 3 years apprenticeship with Swisscom I stayed one year with customer service of the Mobilcom departement in the italian speaking part of Switzerland. Later I decided to change to Pick Pay AG a large Swiss retailer for branded food and near food. I'm working for the marketing department now. In my spare time (evenings and Saturdays) I visit preparation courses for the federal diploma in marketing planning exam.

My private life:

I'm born 23 May 1973 in Wintherthur.

I spend my days in flipping around, listening to 'heidi' sound and having fun in visiting a wide range of cultural exhibitions and festivals.

Get in contact:

Sara Krättli
c/o Pick Pay AG
Industriestr. 54
8152 Glattbrugg

Tel. 01 829 65 65



Edited by, 27 September 1997