St. Stephan


St. Stephan is located in the valley of the river Simme, Bernese Oberland, which is part of the Canton of Berne, Switzerland. There is no English home page for this village so far but there are some links related to this village.

Facts and figures:

Demo-/geographic information:

Inhabitants: 1292 in 1997
Altitude: 993 m asl
Coordinates: 596.7 X / 150.9 Y (Bordeau, France)
  7°23.79' E / 46° 30.64' N (Greenwich)
Geographic area: District Oberstimmental, Simmental, Bernese Obeland, Canton of Berne
Size: - ha (hectares, Swiss surface measurement)

Municipality (address):

Gemeindeverwaltung, Grodey 3772 St. Stephan +41 (0)33 722 10 77, Fax: (0)33 722 29 90

Main industries:

1st sector: 14 % of working power (development concept )
2nd sector: 33 %
3rd sector: 26 %

Local tourism / sights / visits:

Alpenrose Fermel 3773 Matten (St. Stephan) 033 722 12 88
Adler Lenkstrasse 3772 St. Stephan 033 722 18 44
Diana Ried 3773 Matten (St. Stephan) 033 722 34 00
Stöckli   3772 St. Stephan 033 722 12 01 Fax: 033 722 12 05
Bärgholzli   3773 Matten (St. Stephan) 033 722 28 44
Kreuz Lenkstrasse 3773 Matten (St. Stephan) 033 722 20 74
Chemi-Stube Längenbrand 3772 St. Stephan 033 722 22 40

Regional tourism

Regional history:

Other Links:


Editor: Willi Andrist, at, August 30, 1998